Unity Sqlite

Instead of PlayerPrefs, we decided to use SQLite for this purpose. SQLite is a lightweight, embeddable, and highly reliable SQL database engine that works incredibly well for mobile devices. However, embedding SQLite in Unity is not straightforward. The Implementation Getting started.Net and Unity do not support SQLite out of the box. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. #wonderdeveloper#tutorialUnity3dfree web augmented reality webarSQLite Unity3d ( Android, Windows Phone, Windows, IOS.

I am making a small game in Unity and I'm in need of a database. I tried using SQlite database because that seemed to be recommended by the internet.

Now i'm having troubles with actually connecting to the local database via c#.

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I implemented the Data en SQLite .dll's. I am trying to get 1 name from the database that I created using SQLite developer.

Below is my DataConnection class, which I use to connect to the database.

Then I call the following method from another class:

I get the following errors when running the code:

Unity Database


So I'm guessing it has something to do with a 32/64 -bit mismatch or is there something wrong with creating an instance of a script like this?:

Happy to receive any help at all. I'm familier with using database, just new to SQLite.

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to create new tables using SQLite CREATE TABLE statement using various options.

Introduction to SQLite CREATE TABLE statement

To create a new table in SQLite, you use CREATE TABLE statement using the following syntax:

In this syntax:

  • First, specify the name of the table that you want to create after the CREATE TABLE keywords. The name of the table cannot start with sqlite_ because it is reserved for the internal use of SQLite.
  • Second, use IF NOT EXISTS option to create a new table if it does not exist. Attempting to create a table that already exists without using the IF NOT EXISTS option will result in an error.
  • Third, optionally specify the schema_name to which the new table belongs. The schema can be the main database, temp database or any attached database.
  • Fourth, specify the column list of the table. Each column has a name, data type, and the column constraint. SQLite supports PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, and CHECK column constraints.
  • Fifth, specify the table constraints such as PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, and CHECK constraints.
  • Finally, optionally use the WITHOUT ROWID option. By default, a row in a table has an implicit column, which is referred to as the rowid, oid or _rowid_ column. The rowid column stores a 64-bit signed integer key that uniquely identifies the row inside the table. If you don’t want SQLite creates the rowid column, you specify the WITHOUT ROWID option. A table that contains the rowid column is known as a rowid table. Note that the WITHOUT ROWID option is only available in SQLite 3.8.2 or later.

Note that the primary key of a table is a column or a group of columns that uniquely identify each row in the table.

SQLite CREATE TABLE examples

Suppose you have to manage contacts using SQLite.

Each contact has the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone

Unity Sqlite 2020

The requirement is that the email and phone must be unique. In addition, each contact belongs to one or many groups, and each group can have zero or many contacts.

Based on these requirements, we came up with three tables:

  • The contacts table that stores contact information.
  • The groups table that stores group information.
  • The contact_groups table that stores the relationship between contacts and groups.

The following database diagram illustrates tables:contactsgroups, and contact_groups.

The following statement creates the contacts table.

The contact_id is the primary key of the contacts table.

Because the primary key consists of one column, you can use the column constraint.

The first_name and last_name columns have TEXT storage class and these columns are NOT NULL. It means that you must provide values when you insert or update rows in the contacts table.

The email and phone are unique therefore we use the UNIQUE constraint for each column.

The following statement creates the groups table:

The groups table is quite simple with two columns: group_id and name. The group_id column is the primary key column.

The following statement creates contact_groups table:

Unity Sqlite Free

The contact_groups table has a primary key that consists of two columns: contact_id and group_id.

To add the table primary key constraint, you use this syntax:

In addition, the contact_id and group_id are the foreign keys. Therefore, you use FOREIGN KEY constraint to define a foreign key for each column.

Unity Sqlite Editor

Note that we will discuss in the FOREIGN KEY constraint in detail in the subsequent tutorial.

Unity3d Sqlite

In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a new table with various options using SQLite CREATE TABLE statement.