Client software implementations
Linux Network-Manager GUI for OpenVPN
Double-click on the Tunnelblick icon (it can also be called '') and install the program. Once you have installed Tunnelblick, download the configuration file and double-click on it. This will run Tunnelblick and import the configuration file. Run Tunnelblick by double clicking on its icon in the 'Applications' folder. Download Tunnelblick: For more information, refer to the following article: Tunnelblick VPN Setup; Download Linux client v1.3 (for Linux): NOTE: Install openvpn-2.1 standard client and CURL. For more information, refer to the following article: Linux CLI OpenVPN Client; Download HMA Web Proxy Browser Extension.
Many Linux distributions including Ubuntu desktop variants come with Network Manager, a nice GUI to configure your network settings. It also can manage your VPN connections. It is the default, but if in doubt make sure you have package network-manager-openvpn
Open the Network Manager GUI, select the VPN tab and then the ‘Add’ button. Select OpenVPN as the VPN type in the opening requester and press ‘Create’. In the next window add the OpenVPN’s server name as the ‘Gateway’, set ‘Type’ to ‘Certificates (TLS)’, point ‘User Certificate’ to your user certificate, ‘CA Certificate’ to your CA certificate and ‘Private Key’ to your private key file. Use the advanced button to enable compression (e.g. comp-lzo), dev tap, or other special settings you set on the server. Now try to establish your VPN.
OpenVPN with GUI for Mac OS X
- Tunnelblick is an excellent free, open source implementation of a GUI for OpenVPN for OS X. Download the latest OS X installer from there and install it. It also is recommended by upstream which would have a alternative on their own
Then put your client.ovpn config file together with the certificates and keys in /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/ and lauch Tunnelblick from your Application folder.
Instead of downloading manually, if you have brew set up on MacOS this is as easy as:
brew cask install tunnelblick
OpenVPN with GUI for Win
First download and install the latest OpenVPN Windows Installer. As of this writing, the management GUI is included with the Windows binary installer.
You need to start the OpenVPN service. Goto Start > Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services. Find the OpenVPN service and start it. Set it’s startup type to automatic.
When you start the OpenVPN MI GUI the first time you need to run it as an administrator. You have to right click on it and you will see that option.
There is an updated guide by the upstream project for the client on Windows.
See the OpenVPN website for additional information.
Also, Pakt’s OpenVPN: Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks is a good resource.
Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.
Step by step guide for Tunnelblick installation and configuration for MacOS:
1. Download Go to to download the latest version. Please note that Tunnelblick 3.7 installers will work only on Intel-based systems with versions of MacOS not lower than 10.7.5. We recommend to click the latest stable version of software. If you have MacOS older than 10.7.5 please choose the deprecated download page:
2. Install Tunnelblick software:
2.a. Mount the downloaded .dmg file. New modal window will appears with Tunnelblick icon in it. Please double click the application icon.
2.b. When warning window pops up, click “Open”.
2.c. Enter your user password to install the application.
2.d. When application is installed a Tunnelblick icon appear in the tray at up right part of the screen.
3. Apply configuration to Tunnelblick.
3.a. Download OpenVPN config file “iptp.conf”. You can find it attached to the e-mail sent to you by IPTP.
3.b. Click on the Tunnelblick icon up right and choose “VPN Details”
3.c. Drag and drop “iptp.conf” into configurations drawler.
4. Connect to VPN service.
4.a. When configuration is applied, click on the Tunnelblick tray icon and choose “Connect IPTP”
4.b. During the VPN connection setup OpenVPN will ask for password provided to you by e-mail. Please insert it. In case the password is inserted correctly, the connection will be established in a few seconds.
5. Tunnelblick session is established. VPN client tray icon color will change from grey to black. A private IP address from IPTP has been assigned to you. You can now access your devices within our network.
6. Check VPN connection.
To check that the OpenVPN connection is established correctly, please run the ping utility: ping
7. Troubleshooting.
In case there is any issue with VPN connectivity. Click on the tray icon and choose “VPN Details” and than click “Copy Diagnostic Info to Clipboard”. Please share copied info with IPTP Networks technical team.
Step by step guide for OpenVPN installation and configuration for Windows:
1. Go to to download the latest version. Please note that OpenVPN 2.4 installers will not work on Windows XP or earlier Windows versions. Scroll down to find OpenVPN Windows Installer (NSIS) and download it. Choose the one with the .exe file extension.
2. Install OpenVPN client software:
2.a. Open location where file was downloaded. Right click on OpenVPN installer and left click on “Run as administrator” tab from context menu. It is very important to run installer as administrator, otherwise it may not install properly.
2.b. When prompted, click “Yes” to allow the app to make changes to your device.
2.c. Click next on Setup Wizard.
2.d. Agree to license agreement.
2.e. Click Next to choose installation of default components.
2.f. Click “Install” to install OpenVPN client in default location (C:Program FilesOpenVPN)
2.g. If prompted, click Install to install other software that comes with OpenVPN.
2.h. Click “Next” button when installation is completed.
2.i. Check “Show ReadMe” (optional) and click on “Finish”.
3. Copy configuration file to OpenVPN config directory.
3.a. Review already opened ReadMe.txt File to see location where OpenVPN config is (optional). Config directory is usually in C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfig.
3.b. Download OpenVPN config file “iptp.ovpn” into OpenVPN Config Directory. You can find it attached to the e-mail sent to you by IPTP Networks team.
4. Connect to OpenVPN service.
4.a. Run OpenVPN GUI with administrator privileges (right-click on the OpenVPN GUI icon and choose “Run as administrator” from context menu). It is very important to run it as administrator, otherwise it may not run properly.
4.b. When prompted, click on “Yes” to allow OpenVPN GUI to make changes to your device.
4.c. In system tray (right-bottom corner of screen), please find the OpenVPN icon (a monitor with a padlock).
4.d. Right-click on it, and choose ‘Connect’ from context menu.
4.e. During the VPN connection setup OpenVPN will ask for password provided to you by e-mail. Please insert it. In case the password is inserted correctly, the connection will be established in a few seconds.
5. OpenVPN session is established.
OpenVPN client icon color will change to green. A private IP address from IPTP Networks has been assigned to you. You can now access your devices within our network.
6. Check VPN connection.
Tunnelblick For Linux Operating System
Simplify3d for mac torrent. To check that the OpenVPN connection is established correctly, please run the ping utility: ping
7. Troubleshooting.
In case there is any issue with OpenVPN connectivity. Logs for connections started by the GUI are kept in USERPROFILEOpenVPNlog. Please share them with IPTP technical team.
For Linux
Xee for mac os x. 1) Install OpenVPN client software
Execute the following command to install OpenVPN according to your Operating System
For RedHat/Fedora/CentOS,
# sudo dnf install openvpn
For Ubuntu/Debian
# sudo apt install openvpn
2) Connect to OpenVPN service
2.1) Execute the following command to establish the OpenVPN conection.
# sudo openvpn path_to_file/iptp.ovpn
2.2) After executing the above command, you will need to enter the Private Key Password. The password is provided to you in the email together with the OpenVPN certificate
2.3) Once you enter the password, the VPN tunnel will start initialing. Once the VPN tunnel initialized, you will be able to see the following message.
3) Verify the connection
3.1) Execute the following command and you will observe an additional interface is added to the system.
# ip -a | grep tun
3.2) Using ping command to test the connection
# ping -c 5
4) Troubleshooting
If the OpenVPN connection is fail, you will be not able to see the message in 2.3) and generating other message(Refer to the following image as an example).
Please share them to IPTP technical team.
Tunnelblick For Linux Mac
Additional Note: You may need root privilege to execute some command mentioned in this article. Contact your system administrator if you do not have such privilege.