Fet J310

U310 FETpreamplifier

J309, J310 Preferred Device JFET VHF/UHF Amplifiers N−Channel — Depletion Features. Pb−Free Packages are Available. MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Drain−Source Voltage VDS 25 Vdc Gate−Source Voltage VGS 25 Vdc Forward Gate Current IGF 10 mAdc Total Device Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Derate above = 25°C PD 350 2.8 mW mW/°C. 1 transistor (FET) oscillator usable for a broad frequency band. This oscillator can e.g. Be used in a superheterodyne radio or whatever radio or transmitter.

J310 Pinout

This FET preamplifier has been around for almost 25 years. It isextremely reliable and can handle several watts directly into eitherthe input or the output without failure. Noise figure is typicallyaround 1 db and gain is about 13 db. It is unconditionally stable. Itis also very re-produceable. Layout is not critical but it shouldfollow the schematic in layout fashion. It is also wise to put it inan enclosure.

Fet J310J310 fet datasheet

Noise figure bottoms out in the U310 from 12 to 18 mA which isbetween 1.0 and 1.5 db typically up to 144 MHz, and about 1.8 db a222 MHz, which are all you really need for virtually all terrestrialapplications. EME is a different story. Output compression point isabout +12 dbm. The U310 is the top of the line in it's family. It'sin a metal can where the gate is the case. The E310,309 & 308will give a much worse noise figure. I usually mount them upside downfor a shorter gate lead but you don't have to do that. Alignment issimple: set input capacitor mid range for 28 & 50 MHz and nearmaximum for 144 & 222 MHz and tune the output for max gain. Thatwill put you very close to optimal alignment. A noise figure meterwill help but it isn't really needed in most cases as you will beclose. In cases where you want to put a great little preamplifier inyour favorite radio merely build this critter on a very small boardand use hard soldered coaxial cables for the interfaces. I havebuilt them as small as 3/4 inch square.

For your info, I only use U310 preamplifiers on all bands from 50thru 222 MHz for terrestrial weak signal operating. When used inconjunction with good band pass filters you can bring any good radioup to its best sensitivity withour blasting it with 24 db gain from aGaAs FET preamplifier. Your radio won't handle that much gain anyway.Stick with the 12 db gain and you will be much happier with yoursystems performance. These FET preamplifiers are very forgiving toaccidental over-drive. They will handle at least 3 watts CW to theinput and 25 watts directly into the output without damage (amazing).


C in

Input Inductor

Output Inductor

C out


Bypass cap


28 MHz


20 turns T25-6 #30

24 turns T25-6 #30



.01 micro F

10 micro H

50 MHz


13 turns T25-6 #30

16 turns T25-6 #30




5 micro H

144 MHz


5 turns #18, 1/4' dia

5 turns #18, 1/4' dia



200p - 300p

2 micro H

222 MHz


3 turns #18, 1/4' dia

3 turns #18, 1/4' dia




1 micro H

performance plots to follow soon.......

J310 Fet Datasheet

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